
The Challenges of a Walk-in Tub (And How to Get Around Them

Walk-in tubs are a great addition to any home, especially if you have mobility issues. Walk-in bathtubs offer a safer and more comfortable bathing experience than traditional tubs. There are many different types to choose from, and they can help you reclaim the joy that comes with bath time.

Still, adjusting from a traditional tub to a walk-in tub does pose some challenges. Before taking the plunge, it’s important to understand what some of these challenges are and how they can be resolved.

Walk-in Tub Challenges And Solutions

If you’ve been hopping into a traditional tub all your life, bathing in a tub with a door and a seat can take some getting used to. These are some of the most common challenges you may face with your walk-in tub and some solutions for them!

Challenge: Installation

Installing a walk-in tub is not a DIY project. There is a lot of wiring and plumbing required for the installation of a walk-in tub, especially if yours comes with special features, so it can be time-consuming to have one installed.

Hydrojets Tub

Solution: Call the Professionals

Rather than going it alone, you’re better off having your walk-in tub installed by the professionals. Not only will they be able to install it in a timely manner, but they will also hook up the wiring and plumbing correctly.

This will ensure your tub works as it should and lasts for many years without any problems.

Challenge: Upfront Cost

The prices of walk-in baths can run high. They are more expensive than many types of traditional bathtubs and showers, and may even require financing. For people who don’t want to go into debt for a bathtub, this can be a problem.

Solution: Think Long-Term

While the upfront cost of a walk-in tub can be off-putting, when you think about how much you will use the tub over the years, you’ll find the expense is worth it.

Walk-in tubs for seniors can last for decades and grow with you as you age. Even if you don’t have mobility issues now, you can still enjoy the benefits of a walk-in tub. You can age in place in your current home, and not have to worry about making changes to your bathroom 

Challenge: Slow Drainage

When you get a walk-in tub, there are certain things you need to adjust to. One of those things is waiting for the water to drain before you get out of the tub.

Unlike a traditional tub where you can get out before or as the water is draining, with a walk-in tub, you won’t be able to open the door while the water is still inside. Some people struggle with waiting for the tub to drain before they can get out.

Solution: Get a Fast-Draining Tub

Some of the best walk-in tubs are those that use fast-draining technology. Regular walk-in tubs can take about 6-15 minutes to fully drain, and it’s understandable that you wouldn’t want to sit exposed for that long! Meanwhile, fast-draining tubs can take only four minutes or less to empty itself.

While you will still have to wait for the tub to drain before you can get out, you won’t be sitting and waiting nearly as long.

Don’t Forget The Taps

Challenge: Slow Fill-ups

When you bathe in a traditional tub, you can run the water while you are undressing and get into a warm bath. When you use a walk-in tub, you have to get in and close the door and sit there until the tub fills up completely. Like when draining, this can take some time and not everyone enjoys the wait

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Solution: Opt for Fast-Filling Faucets

As a counterpart to fast-draining technology, the best walk-in tubs also feature fast-filling faucets. These pressurized faucets can deliver more water to the tub, ensuring it fills up in a timely manner. You will spend less time waiting and more time enjoying a bath that is warm, comfortable, and safe.

Challenge: Takes Up A Lot Of Space

Walk-in tubs for the elderly can be large and take up significant space in your bathroom. Many people worry that they won’t be able to fit a walk-in tub in their bathroom or that they will have to make a lot of renovations to make it work.

You might also have trouble fitting a big tub through your home’s doorways to get it into the bathroom for installation.

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Solution: Choose Slim Options

Actually, walk-in tubs come in a variety of shapes and sizes! With a bit of research and careful measuring, you can easily find a tub that will suit your bathroom’s size. There are even compact tubs that are made so they can negotiate through narrow doorways.

Smaller models make it easier to fit the tub in your bathroom without greatly changing the layout. You may also find some peace of mind in knowing that the installation will be easier and cheaper.

Walk-in Tubs are Worth It

There are pros and cons to everything, but walk-in tubs remain a worthy investment for your later years, and many of the challenges they pose can be addressed by fine-tuning your specifications.

All in all, there are many more advantages of walk-in tubs for seniors than there are challenges. If you are ready to buy a walk-in tub, be sure to check out the selection at American Tubs.

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